Client: Vend Men
This was a project to help spice up a series of vending machines hosted by Vend Men Vending Machines. After measuring the dimensions of each required surface area, product photos were sought out based on Vend Men's available products and were integrated into a more visually appealing front face for customers. At the request of the owner, instructions on how to use the machine along with the production of more appetizing product photos for the consumer were created. A great deal of product image sourcing, product image alterations and design went into each inventory record panel and instruction interface. Upon completion, printers were sought out to create stunning print representations of each design and the machines had the appropriate replacement and addition of each merchandise label and instructions panel creating a far more impressive and attractive front face for the end user.
Work completed: researching product sample images, enhancing and implementing product photos using Photoshop's clone tool and various enhancing tools, creating logos in vector using illustrator, cropping and uplifting product photos, researching machine functionality and designing instructions based on it's use, all instructional illustrations, replacing all elements of the vending machine with updated illustration and instructional components mentioned above.